Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010

What I am Thankful for on Thanksgiving.

I was not scheduled to work today, but I was considering it because I want some extra money to go shopping tomorrow. Instead, I decided to not go in and be lazy with my children until my fiance's family Thanksgiving around 2. So, I have decided to make a list of 20 things I am thankful for today.

1. My son, Ayden. He is so smart, funny, and sweet. Although there has been a lot of changes in his life right now, I know one day everything will be better. I am thankful for the little bit of time I DO get to spend with him.
2. My daughter, Addyson. She too is smart and funny, but also very motherly. I am thankful for her beautiful/loving personality.
3. My daughter, Macailyn. She is too smart for her own good! She is adorable and every where we go people fall in love with her sweetness.
4. My unborn child. I am thankful that he is so active and crazy already. He will fit right in with the other three.
5. My fiance, Cody Lee. He is my other half and an amazing father to all three children. I am thankful that he is a hard worker, not afraid to speak his mind, and always there for us.
6. My parents. They are amazing people who have raised 8 amazing kids.
7. Cody's Parents. They are always there to help us and support us. We are thankful for everything they do!
8. My sisters and brothers. Although sometimes they get on my nerves- they are always there when I need them- no matter what. I am truely thankful for such an amazing family.
9. Having a job. I know now a days its hard to find a job or keep a job. I am thankful that I do have a job- even if I hate it sometimes.
10. My van. Although I never wanted a mini-van, it is a good family car. Especially with 3 kids in carseats who are always spilling something and making messes!
11. My friends. Although I do not get to spend as much time with them as I would like, we all have very busy lives and they are there for me when I need them. I couldn't ask for better friends.
12.  Cocoa Butter- without it, I would probably have 50 stretch marks instead of 0.
13. My Chi straightener- for fixing my hair- even on the worst of days.
14. My children's amazing dancing skills :)
15. To cuddle up every night with my amazing children, even if they take up all the room.
16. Healthy children.
17. My health and having a easy pregnancy again (compared to most women I know).
18. God and always watching out for my children, my family, my friends, and I.
19. Be able to pay off our bills while living with my parents to save money and get our own house.
20. To be eating amazing food on this amazing day!

Okay- What are YOU thankful for?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Finished Project and a Touching Blog.

After a lot of hard work, it is finished! The kitchen floor is finally done! We also go the dining room painted and the floor put down also. AND we tiled the bathroom floor!

All in time for the Farrow Thanksgiving- Saturday. Actually, we finished it on Thursday, so we had two days to spare. Thanksgiving was a success! My mom cooked a lot of great food and it was good seeing the siblings and nephews I do not see regularly.
Here are the five tables we put together so everyone could eat together
and you can also see the flooring along the side!

I wanted to share a blog with everyone that a friend shared with me. It is a very touching story about a couple who found out their child had a very rare heart problem. He was born and lived 12 days. During the pregnancy, the birth, the 12 days the child lived, and up to today they have kept a blog to keep their friends and family updated. I do not know these wonderful people personally- but it is a very touching story of how God has influenced their lives. It also makes you realize how blessed you are to have your children.
Here is the blog site:

I will warn you, reading this made me cry. They share very touching memories, pictures, and moments in their lives. This blog has definitely impacted my life and made me realize my blessings and that I do need to have a stronger relationship with God. Especially with all the things that have been going on in my personal life- with my son and a custody battle. Their words have touched me in unbelievable ways.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Home Improvements.

Well, the home improvements are coming along great! We have almost finished the kitchen- just have a small spot by the bathroom left. We are tiling the bathroom and then we will finish the kitchen. We have also pulled all the carpet up in the dining room and are putting hardwood in there also. But, we first had to get the walls painted. So,  now that THAT is done, we are finishing everything up tomorrow....(fingers crossed) and then we have to up everything back in its place..and clean up. All in time for our Family Thanksgiving on Saturday. Whew. Talk about hard work.

I have been procrastinating in class- not purposely, but just because I have had so much going on- with the home improvements and of course taking care of my three children, while being 32 weeks pregnant !!! But, needless to say, I know my school work is important!!! I am working on revising my draft- I hate revising. I never seem to fix the problems! But, I must get it done- so that is what I am going to go and do now.....!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Single Digit Countdown!

Okay, so I have finally gotten to the single digit count down to my due date! I know that may not be as exciting to you all as it is for me- but I figured I would share it anyways!

I have taken on the project of remodeling my parents house: where I currently live. My sister and I have already painted the majority of the house. The walls have been white since they have lived here. We painted the living room a maroon color, the hallway/up the stairs a tan color, the kitchen yellow, and are getting ready to paint the dining room a green color. We have also painted and decorated two bathrooms. After painting the dining room, we are hoping to put down hard wood floors (they have carpet now). This is excited but very time consuming!! I am wanting to get it down before Thanksgiving. Did I mention we celebrate Thanksgiving the Saturday before Thanksgiving's actual date?! Which leaves us with two weeks! Shew! It will be a lot to do!!

Speaking of Thanksgiving- does anyone else go shopping on Black Friday?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How is this possible?!

It has been awhile since I have posted last. There has been a lot going on in my life...and not for the good :(

My 4 year old son's father took me to court to get primary residence of him and for me to just get visitation...and he got it. How? I do not know!! He got kicked out of high school and how to graduate from an alternative school, he got caught with weed, he has been to rehab, and he had a heart attack at the age of 20 (because of ... "stress" or so he says). The only thing he has one me is that I now will have 4 kids and I accidentally burned my sons foot. Every time we have gone to court, he has gotten what he wanted.
He got caught with weed....his visitation was increased.
He had a heart attack...his visitation was increased.
I mess up one time and he gets taken from me!!!!!!
I now see him 5 days every two weeks..... He was not only taken from me, but his two sisters who were all very close to him (one is 3 and the other is one). I am at a loss for what to do. It doesn't seem that the judge will ever take my side.... and its not even his DAD who wants him. It is his dads mom (my sons grandmother) and the dads girlfriend. 

I could go on and on about this- but I won't. NONE of this makes any sense to me.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The First Blog from a Non-blogger.

I have never been the type to blog. I tried blogging before, but I could never keep up. However, my sister is an excellent blogger! Maybe I can learn a thing or two from her.
I am not sure what my blogs will be about- probably just a mixture of everything.

So for starters, Lets talk about me :)

I am 22 years old and have three kids. I am pregnant with my fourth child, which is due in January. My first child is 4 years old and is a little boy (Child1), my second child is a little girl who is going to be three in a few weeks (Child2), and my third child another little girl who is 1 (Child3). I am engaged to a wonderful man who is a manager at Cracker Barrel who I will refer to as Mr. Wonderful. The first two kids are not his, but he treats them as if they were. We do not have a date set to get married yet. If he had his way, we would go to the court house and get married today. But, I want to have a real wedding with the kids and our family and friends involved, so for now we are waiting. Who wants to be pregnant and get married? I wouldn't be able to fit in my dream dress and I would definitely not enjoy my honeymoon nearly as much!
I currently am a server and have been for almost 5 years now for the same restaurant. I am hoping to get a better paying job and a more professional one too.

I come from a large family. My parents have been married for 25+ years (not exactly sure of the number of years...does that make me a bad daughter?) and they have 8 children. Yes, I have 7 brothers and sisters. The first 6 kids were girls and the last 2 were boys. We range in ages from 27-14. My parents have 6 grand kids (almost 7) by three of their kids.

Before graduating high school in 2006, I had my first child but that did not stop me from graduating! I then attempted to attend a college about 30 minutes away from home. It was a little more difficult than I expected and after the first semester, I no longer attended. I now wish I would have stayed in college, but things happen differently than you want or expect. So, 4 years later, I have decided to continue my education by attending Kaplan University for an associates degree in medical transcription. Hopefully this will get me out of the restaurant business, so I can make a better life for my children and my fiance.
We currently live with my parents, hoping to save money to buy our own house. After renting for a year, we realized we were throwing away money on something that was just as expensive as owning our own home would be but was not our own home. So, we are back at my parents trying to save money and get our bills paid down.

Okay, that is a little background about myself. Now it is time to eat home made lasanga- and yes my mom makes the BEST lasagna!!